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Aimil Muscalt Forte tablets 30s


Brand: Aimil

Muscalt Forte tablets are a combination of high potency natural herbal extracts that provide an anti-inflammatory response for joint pain relief, promotes anti-oxidant joint protection & protects the cartilage hence maintaining joint health & mobility

  1. Conditions Benefited:
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Ankylosing spondylitis (spinal arthritis)
    • Frozen joints
    • Musculoskeletal inflammation (joint, ligament, tendon, and muscle pain)
  2. Why use Muscalt Forte tablets?
    • Non-steroidal natural herb formula.
    • Free from side effects like hyperacidity, gastric irritation, nausea, and vomiting.
    • Reduces joint pain and inflammation.
    • Inhibits synthesis of inflammatory mediators (e.g., Prostaglandins).
    • Protects joints from free radical damage.
    • Rejuvenates joint cartilage and decreases proteoglycan degeneration.
  3. Dosage and Precautions:
    • Recommended dosage: 1-2 tablets daily or as prescribed by a doctor.
    • Consult a doctor if pregnant or nursing before using.
  4. Approximate Herbal Contents per Tablet:
    • Vitex negundo: 40mg
    • Tinospora cordifolia: 40mg
    • Pluchea lanceolata: 40mg
    • Symplocos racemosa: 30mg
    • Zingiber officinale: 30mg
    • Boerhaavia diffusa: 20mg
    • Picrorhiza kurroa: 20mg
    • Commiphora mukul: 40mg
    • Strychnos nux vomica: 30mg
    • Black bitumen: 20mg
    • Piper longum: 20mg
    • Colchicum luteum: 15mg
    • Curcuma longa (Turmeric): 15mg
    • Ricinus communis (Castor root): 10mg
    • Withania somnifera q.s

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