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Enterogermina Probiotic 5ml Vials 10s


Brand: Sanofi

Pediatrician’s No.1 choice of probiotics for diarrhoea and its symptoms in children. Enterogermina® 2 billion is lactose free, sugar free and gluten free. Made in Italy, it is a probiotic for kids that contains Bacillus Clausii, friendly bacteria normally present in the gut that turns unhappy tummies to happy ones. The bacteria maintain a healthy relationship with the body such that there are no side effects or any major issues. It has a symbiotic relationship with the host organism which ensures a win-win situation for both. Enterogermina® for diarrhoea management, comes in ready-to-drink liquid vials, which can be easily consumed by small kids. Plus, it is tasteless, odourless and colourless; so, your child will consume it without putting up a fight. Each vial of Enterogermina® liquid contains around 2 million spores of Bacillus Clausii.  Comes in a packet of 10 5ml vials.

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